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Why do we really have Spring Break?


B-Town Rundown Staff Reporter

BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL— Who came up with spring break and why do students get a school-free week every year around this time? Well, sure, we can all agree that students need a break from school, but here is the real reason why spring break started...


Spring break is said to have been a way to celebrate the coming of spring by the Romans and Greeks. However, the earliest real proof of spring break was in the 1930s, and by the 1980s, it was a common event.


Students and teachers all around the world would get to relax or go on vacation for a week.


While some of the earliest spring breaks went terribly for college students because of the excessive amount of parties and arrests a year, for high schoolers, it is just to take time off and prepare for the rest of the semester.


Overall, spring break was just created to give everyone a little time off to enjoy life before finishing the rest of the school year.

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