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A true Alaskan has all these essentials...


B-Town Rundown Staff Reporter

BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL— When living in Anchorage, AK or even just Alaska in general, you really have to adapt to the weather and environment. Every Alaskan should have these essentials...


  1. You definitely need to always carry a chapstick because the air is very dry and you wouldn’t want to have chapped lips.

  2. Another must have is surprisingly sunglasses because the sun is almost always shining and is super bright even in the coldest hours.

  3. Essential number three is lotion because once again it is so dry that your skin dries out really fast.

  4. If you want to survive, you also need boots because the snow is really slippery and you will most definitely fall.

  5. You should wear warm clothes like jackets, thick pants, scarves, gloves and a hat. The winters in Alaska are no joke

  6. A snow shovel is important to have because the snow can get up to your knees.

  7. All drivers need snow tires for winter or be prepared to slide.

  8. A heated garage also takes time off how long it takes to warm up your car in the mornings and is very helpful.

  9. One of the best things to have is big fuzzy socks to wear around in the house.

  10. Last but not least, a big huge cover to keep cozy at night.

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