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New changes are happening in the gym


B-Town Rundown Staff Reporter

BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL -- Last week the Bartlett staff made a change in the gym. On the East wall they have added new sports banners for Region Championships as well as State Championships. 


The reason is simple: we keep winning.


“We needed the new banners because we have won some things,” Athletic Director Daniel Esparza said. 


The other walls will be a little more bare as well.


“We are also planning on moving the football banners to the weight room, the cheer and wrestling banners in the mat room and the rifle team banners to the rifle room,” Esparza added.


It is also going to be easier to add years when the time comes.


“It’s easier to add the years when we win more championships instead of just buying all new banners,” he added.


Another but more unfortunate reason we bought new banners is because the lady who makes our original banners has passed away.


Hopefully, our sports teams can come away with Region Championships and also State Championships.

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