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Need some ideas about what to do over Spring Break?


B-Town Rundown Staff Reporters

BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL 一 What are you going to do during the break? What kind of activities are you planning to do? Here are some ideas from your peers at Bartlett:


Sina Stockton: “Probably playing on my playstation, whatever things my parents want to do. I will also probably go to the mall to spend my birthday money.”


Virgil Shipman: “I will be drawing and doing some writing that I have been meaning to get done. Hopefully, I will be able to do other things.”


Carl Pugay: “I will be doing Culinary Arts Classes at UAA with Trio. I will also be hibernating in my bed.”


Carson Chadwick: “I will be getting jaw surgery March 5th and will be sitting in pain all break.”


Tou Lee Lor: “I will be doing STEM Classes at UAA with Trio.”


Corbin Morrison: “I’m probably going to practice playing my drum set and hike around because that’s what I enjoy doing over break.”


Matia Gillespie: “I'm going to Arizona for a family wedding, then driving to California to visit friends and visit my cousin.”


Kris: “I will be relaxing and help my brother out with his new wood-working bench that he’s building. After that, I will relax and play games.”


Sebastian Wyatt: “For Spring Break, I’ll most likely be chilling and hanging out with my friends and going over to my brother’s house to spend time there. Play some games, etc.”


Christian Davila: “I’ll spend some time with some mates of mine, playing games and just getting loud/drinks. I’ll also be reading and having fun.”

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