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Inside the Rundown


B-Town Rundown Staff Reporter

“Let’s call the paper… Breyer.”

People murmur and shake their heads

“What about the TORQUE LORD EXPRESS?”

“Definitely not,” Esparza exclaims.

“I already said Bloggy Blog. Let’s call it Bloggy Blog.”

“No. Just No.”


As you can see, things were… not ideal in the starting days of our paper. I’m here to give you the inside scoop on our class getting the inside scoop. Here’s the rundown on the B-Town Rundown... 


As I’m typing this, Breyer Greene is eating an egg salad sandwich talking about content that I can’t talk about due to prior restraint. 


Sarah Harless is laying on the floor in front of me watching Tik Tok. 


“WE NEED A HEADLINE!” Mrs.Esparza has yelled three times. 


Everyday, without fail, Mikenzie Roach pulls out a full course meal. 


We spoke to Mrs. Esparza’s child. She’s doing crayon melts. 


I called Nou Xiong’s name to ask what she was doing. She smirked and looked away. 


“I’ve had a cough since November. I’m on like seven different inhalers and steroids. If I don’t have the coronavirus, you guys don’t. I invented it.”


“What are you doing with my paper? I stole that square and fair.”

“It helps it land easier.”

Breyer is talking about a marker. He is flipping. A. Marker. 


Mrs. Esaprza is telling us about a hotel fight and fire. 


Keandre Glaze makes intense eye contact with me every time I look up. I think he wants to fight. 

“Keandre, do you want to fight Genesis?”

“Yes, of course.”


At the end of the d-


...That’s all I could type before Sarah slapped my phone out of my hand... 

As I was saying... At the end of the day, we aren’t all business and journals. We’re a class of goofballs and miscreants. But we’ve learned a lot from it all. Do you know what AP Style is? Take Journalism and you’ll find out.


 I hope this gave you a deeper look into the happenings of our, as Sarah put it, family. 


P.S.- Breyer disagrees about us being a family and Mrs. Esparza called him the weird step brother.


She’s not wrong?

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